Monthly Free Virtual Workshops for BIPOC Creatives—also known as our Free Verse Initiative—are workshops taught by and for Black, Indigenous, and other Persons of Color with an interest in poetry.
We invite folks to connect in this safe, generative, BIPOC-centered space: to share work, experiences, and discourse. At the end of every workshop, we welcome the sharing of resources, such as literature, community events, and grants available for application. Respectfully and consensually connecting with other members outside of the space is encouraged.
If you are not BIPOC-identifying, we kindly invite you to attend other PSNY events. While topics do not necessarily center around being BIPOC, this community space is designed specifically for the BIPOC experience.
Attendees of our Monthly Free Workshops for BIPOC Creatives receive a 50% off discount code for our Weekly Virtual Workshops!
Sample Free Verse workshops include: