Your #NYCPOFEST24 Guide

We thought we’d put together a special edition of How to Poet to ensure you get the most out of EVERYTHING The New York City Poetry Festival has to offer, which is A BUNCH.

Let’s start with transportation & navigational tools that will help you get smoothly from place to place.


The Governors Island Ferry leaves from 10 South Street in Manhattan every 30 minutes.
The Festival begins at 11:00am so we suggest taking the 10:00am or 10:30am Ferry.

The NYC Ferry also leaves from several Brooklyn stops at a less frequent cadence.


We have a beautiful artistic site map illustrated by the amazing @MarthaMay.

If you want something more interactive, we have a Google Maps link that will calibrate you specifically to every Stage, Vendor, Restroom, etc.


The New York City Poetry Festival is completely free for anyone to attend.
You can register for your free ticket on Eventbrite!

If you would like to include a donation you do so also. Or consider upgrading to a VIP ticket to hang out in our VIP Villa with headliners, PSNY members, sponsors & enjoy free drinks and good all day for $55.20 for the weekend. Select that ticket option at this link also.


Poetry IS the attraction of this Festival & boy do we have an abundance of talented poets to choose from.

Our Headliners are performing between 3-4pm at The Brinkley stage each day of the Festival: the amazing poets Ilya Kaminsky, Kazim Ali, Katie Farris, and Safia Elhillo !

Outside of this hour of power, our interactive Reading Schedule is on the Festival website, where you can learn about each organization and the readers they are featuring.


You didn’t that was all did you?!

You don’t want to miss these other Festival features:

> The Ring of Daises Open Mic Stage where you can sign up & perform
> The Youth Poetry Festival, with a schedule of its own
> Our illustrious Poetry Brothel, performing four times daily
> A TREASURE HUNT sponsored by PlayTours,
(with a physical Poetry Passport available for pickup at the Members Table)
> Our first Festival Beer Garden!
> A packed Vendor Village, with a range of incredible NYC businesses to support
> Art activations for you to enjoy from a Poetry-Camp-themed Board Game Cafe to Postcard Writing and a solar-powered Merry-Go-Round.

Any other Questions? Comment them below on this post!