Written by Stephanie Berger
Dearly beloved I’ll be your host
tonight a very sassy ghost your auctioneer
for we are gathered here to celebrate
the union of two beautiful clauses I’ll start
the bidding at a hundred dollars Just kidding!
At the low, low price of a single single I told him
to say that to put it in those very words
to auction off this sentence which is not mine
to keep locked inside lady's gut causes
truth decay over time shut down
gets expensive depreciates so I would encourage you
generally of course support your
ectoplasmic lips opening thirsty skeletal
but also to divest yourself of all
belonging to live with a pack
of hungry street dogs for once in your life
you could empty yourself like a bucket but of what
do I know really about life?
I am not Jesus nor have I ever been
hungry I did not live through the Black
Death & become modern
with the rest of you