What would a poetry vying for attention look like?

Written by Halim Madi

Exhibit 1

Listen to your heart it is whispering

the stories you’ve forgotten

to tell the child inside

Exhibit 2

Bury us

while you’re at it

Peel our nails

The skin that’s under

is a weapon a rocket a knife

pointed poignant painting your privilege

as oppression

Exhibit 3

1:15pm Santa Barbara’s lower riviera, I buy

10120.13764808 OCEAN TOKENS

This cryptocurrency my new visa

Replace my Lebanese passport with a portal

To salvation

You can be rich too

Just keep trying

Exhibit 4


strong believe

in your dreams, you are the captain

of this ship

don’t settle stay

Focused — out of many one

You you you you you

This one

too shall pass until it doesn’t

Exhibit 5


When did you become a man

Married into a lineage of testosterone

As you grieved your husband

Grew Adam’s apple

Bit, grinned, spit sideways

Pointed at my little hands, said

Man up

Exhibit 6

I was walking up this hill and decided to sit.

I’ve been here for 3 years.

This poem about consciousness

will last a lifetime

Exhibit 7

12 13 14 Reminders:

  1. Buy shorts, squash and a black hair tie

  2. Write a letter to Rachel

  3. Also, quinoa

  4. Schedule time with Andrea

  5. Don't self medicate

  6. Build an altar for your father

  7. Something is singing, maybe waiting. Are you late?

  8. Don’t mistake silence for depth, especially in men older than you

  9. Ask a doctor first then self medicate

  10. Avoid carnivore flamingos, standalone devices, two-way mirrors

  11. Don’t jaw-xercise, it hurts your ears

  12. Forgiveness the red circus where we juggle blades

  13. The lizard brain is my favorite

  14. This whole age thing turns out to be real