In our six-week Virtual Writing Intensives, we focus on generating new work, closely examining the work of more established poets, and reading a range of passages and essays on poetics.

What makes a poem, and how can we challenge the various conventions of the genre—voice, form, and technique—to find new possibilities for our poems? How do we talk about poetry constructively and critically? 

From the brass tacks of a poem’s architecture to the atmosphere materialized from sound, image, and metaphor, our Virtual Writing Intensives offers a space for writers at any level—from published poets to those writing their very first stanza—to take a deep dive into makings of a poem. 

We begin each session with a generative writing activity and a reading exploring a specific component or concept of poetry. We then spend the rest of the workshop alternating between groups and workshopping each individual’s poem as a group. Students are required to submit one poem beforehand, and to prepare comments for their peers’ work each week. 

Our capacity is limited to 15 students per workshop.

Past Intensives include: