61. Kate Belew + Raisa Tolchinsky

here are some things you can’t unsay and we both have to live with that
With the memories of the lake retreating from the shore, the cobwebs
are a different way of tracing time. And listen, I know that 
I look different than I used to, I look you straight in the eyes
the creature I am, having always been, is a kind of feral 
wanderer with nowhere to go. Press your hand against the glass:
create a palm of constellations by which we can learn a new way
of looking. Light the match, stoke the fire—I’m not afraid of 
whatever comes after. These words, small tinders of 
hope. I use them to warm my hands, to see in the dark
to light the way through this thicket. I mean to say 
I’m not afraid of what I might find in this new place
and I promise I will gamble carefully with my call to you
Like how your voice still turns me luck casino