mel, melit, mellifluous

By Lydia Kegler

A way of looking at body with hidden petals exposed, a way to become intimate with the perfection of anatomy. My work is a process of gilding the parts of body that have been historically marginalized. Certain places in the body are coated in shame, kept underground, wrapped in a fear of the nonbinary, the mystical, the queer, the feminine, the sexual. Where we observe preciousness in the biology of the blossom, we can too come to cherish the anatomy of the uterus, the clitoris, the labia, all of the glands, all of the organs. We can allow ourselves to be moved by the organs that persuade us to open and close. I intend to provoke a multifaceted understanding of anatomy. To have reverence for the human body, and how it is fitted together with incredible proportion. With gold leaf I paint the shrouded areas of pleasure. Glittering over all of the skin, blood and bone that has been colonized is returning to what is innate, what is due to us in having a body.

Check out more of Lydia’s work here.