Im in a party there is a water baloon fight i rermember somthing the thing is if it is to be,it is to be me im learning how to type
write know a little girl is crying saying "mm omyyyyyyyyy" and repeting it
menwile a boy was
saying he did not hit a girl with a water boloon a little girl just came up with a wet face but now its drying i do not know how oot type ^^yulianath is a boy who never behaves this is a bad boy
this is a boy in my class that my broyther knows nincoluis has a little sister the sister loves her mom and dad but the
the boy nin
nxclous kkktoypoyporrrrrrwwppopepprqeeoooqppppedsdaaaaewwwuiriadadddddyyzaressszsssooooooooooooooooaaaaa
a12oooghgfhfdurowq'asdfghjkkl;oipuppuypipfoddip;'gjf..g;;fkds,hjswertyksdmom lina mom,linauty4kjiyuylina,mom