oo write fastbrain haikus she says she is my friend i am here with my friend ans its difficult to write here because my heart is beatinglike it always does but i always tell my doctor that i have heart palpitations
they never believe me
they never call after a blood test i skipped a line
because i am nervous/
question mark
exclamation mark
i am never nervous
even when i cant concentrate
i always support girls
and a man did tell me once that the three women are blocking a viaduct
is it true i dont know
it must be he has been sitting here his whole life
i can also write about love and death and things like that
but not when i am nervous i feel like a fish i always have fish in my house they die often i will be back with a real poem some day
i write everyday believe me
and i can talk too good bye i will write something without people around i
am nervous good bye i wil write something in advance i dont want to because i cant write anything i want
but i think that i need to overcome some fears
i love reading biographies