Remebering how to use one of these archaic machines. I'll never again regret being born in the digital era.
I adore my digital arsenal of verbal recording tools because of their abi
ability to help maintain my flow. As i appreciate celebrating
history, I can't imagine having to labor away at such a cantankerous machine. No touch typing, no dictation, no cloud storage...but plenty of hand exercise
...and auto-save!!! As long as you don't lose the sheet...
I seem now to have developed at least a modicum of flow. Can't quite say
I'd be able to use this to the full effect that I use a computer, but
it'd surely produce some interesting work. This method is a reminder that progress is always evident, and also that
new tool do not always help Perhaps I'm leaking out valuable brain juice each time I take to my computer
and convert the torrent into a stream of words. Perhaps this machine is allowing
a more meditative side of myself loose. Perhaps just a more frustrated one.
Although I can't deny the brilliance of using a machine l ke this to record
my thoughts.. Its just so strange. Perhaps I'll try cuneiform next. so now...what to say? regardless of the tool, that forever remains the question.
do i speak of ugliness or beauty? success or hardship? own inconsequential
plight or someone else's? I know well that none of it matters in the end...but this is not th end.
This is all there is: the infinite, eternal now. And so I leave this typewriter
with nothing quite new in mind but a greater appreciation for the tools
I wield today. And do sopmething with them...