With the goals of sparking authenticity, community, and healing, The Poetry Society of New York's Weekly Virtual Workshops are a space where writers can come together and tap into their collective creative potential.

They are curated with a focus on conversation, collaboration, and of course, creation! 

PSNY's workshops surround a weekly theme and follow an LWS flow: lecture, generative free-writes, and a sharing session of the magic produced in the free-write! For example, we’ve had workshops on Self-Love Spells, focusing on redirecting the creative glamor of ~true love~ back at oneself, as well as on the intersection of pop culture and poetry (think mashing up Phoebe Bridgers lyrics with dialogue from your favorite movie).

They're each 1 hour and 15 minutes long and meant to be generative, fun, and accessible; they're open to all lovers of poetry regardless of age, location, previous experience with PSNY, or experience with poetry in general, and admission is $20 (all PSNY members have access to discount codes).

Sample PSNY workshops include: