Yes, this is what we think about in our free time. Haven’t you ever been a little curious? Here are 10 cats we think host the dead souls of reincarnated poets.
Throughout her nine lives, this cat’s favorite poem is definitely “Still I Rise.”
You know that this cat would rather read The Naked and the Dead on a Friday night instead of go out on the town and drink milk with his cat friends.
This cat would certainly direct a production of The Dynasts, all 130 scenes and all.
Forget Ariel— this cat’s favorite poem is certainly Sylvia Plath’s “Witch Burning.”
Is April really the cruelest month? This cat will decide.
I’m sure that this cat celebrates himself all the time.
Only the smartest cat can host the body of the genius that wrote “I, Too.”
This cat will always take the road less traveled (especially in terms of accessories).
Let’s just say this cat most definitely Howls at night and keeps his owners awake “driven by madness” at 3am.
I’m a little concerned that this cat ate hope (“the thing with feathers'“), but that’s a problem for another day.