Dale Going is a poet and book artist with two poetry collections and numerous chapbooks, broadsides and artist's books. Her work has received support from Fund for Poetry, California Arts Council, Yaddo and Djerassi. Her Em Press letterpress editions of poetry by women are archived internationally in prominent library special collections. Recent poems appear in VOLT, New American Writing, Blood Orange Review, Banyan Review, Equinox, Griffel, LandLocked, Nelligan Review, Stone Canoe, Wild Roof Journal, BRAHM and Fenimore Museums. A new chapbook is forthcoming from Albion Books. She lives in Manhattan and the Adirondack Park. www.dalegoing.com

Marie Carbone is a multi-disciplinary artist. Her collage art has appeared in galleries, journals, books, broadsides, and as projections for performance art. As a classical pianist/harpsichordist, she composes soundscapes for film, theater, museum exhibitions, modern dance and ballet. Her particular interest as an educator is in forefronting the music of women composers. She lives in Sausalito, CA.