Abecedarian On Surviving | Apocalypse

— after Sun Ra's Space is the Place

aliens exist but i’m still alive | in amerikkka

backdrop blue | lives protected more than black

colonization the root of climate change | chronic

deforestation | murder purposely mistaken for death

everyday | another unnecessary angel’s eulogy

for what | seems like will but won’t be forever

generations of grief | seeking god in the genocide

hardened whelmed over by the absence | human

impatience a constant for change | the future imagined

juxtaposing an unnameable | into existing justice

kaleidoscoping science fiction into reality | karmic

light travels us through | years of life-saving liturgies

myth transforms into historical record | missions manifest

new worlds | stardust made non-monolithic niggas name

oppressed folks | their overseers reaped for oblivion

peeled from what was made into what will be | re-write present

quilt belief into the broader tapestry | resurrect it queer

revolution for the masses | a collective re-remembering

subverting middle passage | slave ship turned spacecraft

the instrument prototyping tenderness | isotope teleportation

ultraviolent for the massas who don’t make it | to utopia

virtuosic transitions to an envisioned elsewhere | liminal visions

wage war against erasure | from memory wading in water

xenial alchemy | ancestral end of awaiting a xenagogy

yesterday is today refracted | in the nightmare of yesteryear

zeitgeist of an era we dream real | tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet


Kindall Gant (she/they) is a Black femme interdisciplinary poet and New Orleans native based in Brooklyn. She experiments with visual storytelling as liberation through themes of home, heritage and history, bringing poems into conversation with expressive forms like film, visual art, music and photography. They have received support from Cave Canem, the Poetry Foundation, MASS MoCA, the Saltonstall Foundation, the Watering Hole, Studio Museum in Harlem and Ma's House among other arts institutions. Her work has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net and appears or is forthcoming in Torch, the What a Time to Be Alive zine carried at the Hopscotch Reading Room in Berlin, the 1619 Speaks anthology published by the Sims Library of Poetry, Brooklyn Poets, Obsidian, and Polemical Zine. Find more of their work at kindallgant.com.